Jesus Christ is at the centre of everything. He is God's Son. We believe that Jesus is the only one who can reconcile us and give us right standing with God the Father. He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place as punishment for our sins, and rose again to prove His victory over death and empowering us for life.
We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back again as He promised!
We need salvation through Jesus Christ because we live in a broken world.
God created us to be in relationship with Him. But since the beginning of time, we've rebelled against God through sin, and against His good plan for our lives as well as the world we live in.
The bible tells us in Romans 6:23 that, "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
So what does this mean?
In the Old Testament, (thousands of years ago!) the way to get right with God and to cover sin, was to shed the blood of an animal - usually a lamb with no blemishes - through sacrifice. This act of sacrifice would be atonement and a "covering" over our sin, which cleansed us, and gave us right standing with God.
Fast forward to Jesus' arrival on earth, and God began His plan for a once-and-for-all redemption through the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice - He lived a perfect, sinless life and He was without blemish! (Which is why you'll sometimes hear people refer to Jesus as "the Lamb of God.")
Salvation is the gift of freedom from our sins that Jesus made possible by taking the punishment meant for us upon Himself on the cross. Through this gift, 1 John 1:9 promises that, “If we confess our sins, He who is faithful and just, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Salvation through Jesus is, believing Jesus is the Son of God, accepting His sacrifice on the cross, repenting of your sin (repenting means to turn away from your sin) and putting your faith and trust in Christ daily.
This is one of the most important promises of Scripture; it gives us freedom and hope for the future. God is faithful and daily invites us to find new life in response to that faithfulness.
We know it may sound too easy or too good for words, or completely different from anything you have ever experienced before, but it is the truth of God, that we find in the Bible.
This is the beauty and mystery of grace—receiving a forgiveness that we don’t deserve!
Salvation is for anyone who would believe and place their faith and trust in Jesus and the finished work of the cross.
If you feel like this is something you want to do, here's a prayer you can pray:
Heavenly Father, forgive me of all my sins. Make me brand new. I believe Jesus died for me and rose again so I could live for you. Fill me with your Spirit so I could know you, serve you, and follow you the rest of my life. My life is not my own—today I give it to you. Thank you for new life!
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
It doesn't end there, in the Bible, Jesus tells us, "I am come that they might have life, and have it in abundance."
Life with Jesus is a journey, He never promises us that we won't face hard times, but He does promise that He will never leave us while we're in them. We will never walk alone.
We know that saying Yes to Jesus and giving your life to Christ is the most important and best decision you'll ever make and we'd love to help you take your first or next steps in your walk with Christ.
Did you pray this prayer today? Or do you have questions?
PLEASE LET US KNOW - We'd love to connect with you!
The Bible clearly teaches that baptism is the first step of obedience after making a commitment to Jesus Christ. Making a decision to follow Jesus when no one is looking is significant, but there's something powerful about publicly declaring, in front of family and friends, that you've given your life to Christ.
To learn more about Baptism and to sign up to be baptised, click the button below!
Want to learn more about the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith, and the Biblical foundations to build your life on?
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