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Monthly Missions

You don't just give TO the church. You give THROUGH the church.

Monthly Missions

This Month our Missions Offering is for Lebanon.

The people of Lebanon are facing uncertain times.

The economic situation in Lebanon is currently dire – resulting in extreme poverty with an estimated 80% of people living in poverty and 36% below the extreme poverty line.

With the recent war breaking out in Lebanon, Pastor George Saad has requested funds to help those who are in deep need.

Pastor George told us that, “in our church, we offer food every Sunday after the meeting. There are people who are waiting from Sunday to Sunday to eat and take the leftovers home for the week so they can feed their children and survive. People are being kicked out of their homes as they’re unable to afford the rent which is less than $100 a month, and we have parents begging us for milk for their babies.”

These are families who have previously opened their homes to refugees, and now cannot afford the bare necessities due to worsening conditions.

This is where you come in Church. 100% of your Missions offering today will go to the needs of the Lebanese people directly.

Pastor George and his team will be distributing food vouchers to families, which is a more cost effective way to meet people’s needs.

We ask that you give generously Church, and please keep the people of Lebanon in your prayers.

Proverbs 19:17 says: Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.


God bless you as you give Church.


Thank you for your generosity.

Thank you for your generosity towards helping those in need.




Missions | BSB 012-347 Account 1074-96827


You can give to Voice to the Nations Church by cheque by posting it to PO Box 45 Granville 2142. Please make all cheques out to 'Voice to the Nations Inc'.